Transition from Winter – The Swift Method’s Spring Cleanse

It takes a month to change a habit, what will you improve this March?

Join Taylor and The Swift Method in a 21-day cleanse to kick start your health and welcome spring feeling refreshed, revived and ready for anything.

The Swift Method’s Transition from Winter Spring Cleanse is a hands-on guided program that will walk you through the 21-day cleanse, answer any questions you may have and support you each and every day. You will enjoy whole foods such as vibrant vegetables, clean proteins and healthy fats. The structured program is broken down into shorter phases so it doesn’t feel as long and tiresome as other cleanses. The recipes included are fresh, invigorating and well balanced to support the body’s natural detoxification process. Recommended supplements are optional and will be described in detail how they play an active role in your body’s ability to detoxify.

The 21-day cleanse will begin Monday, March 2nd and run through Sunday, March 22nd with the option of extending the cleanse an additional 5 days. All material will be delivered prior to the start of the cleanse in order to help you prepare, clear your calendar, shop for food and order your supplements in time.



Why Cleanse?

The body naturally detoxifies and clears waste through the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, lungs and skin, our emunctories, or elimination organs. However, with today’s constant onslaught of toxins in our foods, water, air and materials we touch, wear, apply and sleep on, our bodies are in overdrive trying to clear these toxins and restore it’s normal healthy state. Sometimes we need to give our systems additional support to aid this natural process. If we don’t slow down, reset and give these organs a break, we risk deterioration, chronic inflammation and disease.





Sign Up

Once you have signed up, you will receive all of the information you need to start the journey. A general overview, detailed day-to-day instructions, shopping lists, meal plans, recipes and tips to make the cleanse as successful and rewarding as possible for you. Throughout the cleanse, you will receive emails with motivation, recommended movement and lifestyle exercises, new recipes to jumpstart your digestion or calm your nerves and overall, general support. If you have any questions, concerns or just simply want to know more about the cleanse before signing up, please feel free to call or email.

Sign Up Now





What Does It Cost?

The cost of the 21-day cleanse is $150 *, which includes detailed instruction materials and email support, plus a 30 minute one-on-one Q&A phone, Skype or in-person session with Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Taylor, to answer all of your questions and tailor the cleanse to meet your unique needs.
* Food, supplements and additional one-on-one counseling sessions are not included. Prices for supplements and rates for additional sessions will be available in the materials sent and as always, feel free to call or email to inquire.